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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pink Eye-Conjunctivitis

Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 by Galih

Pink Eye-Conjunctivitis
"Pink Eye" also known as conjunctivitis is one of the most common and treatable eye infections in children and adults. This tissue helps keep the eyelid and eyeball moist.
Conjunctivitis can be caused by a virus, bacteria, irritating substances (shampoos, dirt, smoke, and especially pool chlorine), allergens (substances that cause allergies) or even sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It is easily treated with prescription eye drops.

Removing your contact lenses, avoid eye cosmetics, washing face and eyelids with gentle soap, even cool compresses may help alleviate some of the symptoms.
Hand washing is most important especially after touching your eyes. Never share eye cosmetics or contact lenses with anyone. Overall "pink eye" is usually a nuisance problem that is of little health risk and easily managed.

Curing Pink Eye Or Conjunctivitis Naturally Using Home Remedies

What is Pink Eye?
Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane that covers the outer layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. As with other common eye inflammations, conjunctivitis usually looks and feels worse than it is. What are the Symptoms of Conjunctivitis?

Infection usually begins with one eye but can quickly spread to the other eye in cases of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis. Symptoms of pink eye may include:
Discomfort in the eye
Redness of the eye or inner eyelids
Tenderness of the eye, or pain
If your eyes are itchy, rather use a clean compress for quick relief.
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching your eyes.
Seek medical attention if you develop conjunctivitis when you have a cold sore as herpes simplex related conjunctivitis is a serious condition.
If you wear contact lenses, switch to glasses until your eyes have completely healed.
Wear sunglasses outdoors as sunlight irritates pink eye.

Home Remedies to Cure Pink Eye
Colloidal Silver -- You can buy colloidal silver in a spray bottle. Spray into your eyes two to three times a day. Castor Oil -- Put one to two drops in your eyes two times each day. Saturate the cotton ball and place it on your eye allowing the water to run into your eye.

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