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Monday, May 9, 2011

Sketch Features Osama Killer

Posted on Monday, May 09, 2011 by Galih

Sketch Features Osama Killer
President of the United States (U.S.), Barack Obama, last week has congratulated the team of Navy SEAL special forces for the success of killing Osama bin Laden. However, for security considerations, the identity of an elite team of U.S. Navy kept confidential.
Then, of course, the identity of the soldier who shot bin Laden is certainly part closed. However, a number of former members of SEAL give clues such as what characteristics the killer leader of al-Qaeda terrorist network, who was killed with a shot in the head.
The SEALs are an alumnus Eric Greitens, Richard Marcinko, and Stew Smith. Told The Washington Post, they could present the visual image of Osama killer soldier. It's based on their experiences serving in SEAL before retirement.
In the eyes of Marcinko, murderer Osama was definitely aged between 26 and 33 years. Clearly he is a man, because not one woman who entered SEAL. Most likely, the shooter was white, although SEAL recently increased the number of minorities to join.
Regarding the nature of the shooter, Marcinko was sure that he was a "positive thinker that can be problematic if not challenged." He did not hesitate to sacrifice free time to be called on duty at any time, but can quickly adapt to the environment.
"People like this at one time could kill half a world away, but 24 hours later he would be busy with the lawn mower at home," said Smith, who told The Washington Post.
He also alleged murderer Osama is most likely a former high school or college athletes. Surely, he has a physical specimen but also strong, fast, and smart. "They call themselves 'the tactical athlete,'" says Smith.
According to Marcinko, a member of bin Laden's operations forces are most likely not with the crew cut and smooth-faced, like the profile of the army in general. However, these SEALs such as looking sloppy.
"He probably berewokan and disheveled appearance, such as street thugs. Anyway, we are reluctant to close with him. The conventional army units, soldiers like that definitely was not disciplined. However, for members of the SEALs, it was a standard appearance.
According to Marcinko, the hands of the average member of the SEALs are not smooth. For those who join the elite teams that have scars or scarred due to vomit bullets or bomb fragments is reasonable.
For Marcinko, SEAL members involved in the hunt for Osama operation was certainly not new faces. They must have conducted several similar operations with high risk.
"They want recognition. But that is only found among them," said Greitens. That is why the members of SEAL'd rather be considered "humble fighter," continued Greitens.

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